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The General Information section is packed with helpful material that will benefit the client in many different ways. From Child Safety information to an Evaluation Survey. 

The General Information section is the resource that we recommend you refer the client to before, during and after the inspection.  The information within this section can save possible headaches and inconvenience for both parties.

The General Information Section Starts with the Pre-Closing Checklist.  The checklist allows the client to check off items at the time of a pre-closing walk-through, and record any changes which will then be reviewed immediately to determine if any recorded items are covered by the terms of the purchase contract.
The two-part carbonless Invoice provided in the Home Guide Report System provides the client and inspecting company with important information concerning the inspection.  It features: Agent(s) information, six categories of inspection fees, home warranty recommended, client attention and more.  This invoice is designed to cover all relevant information pertaining to the inspection.
The Evaluation Survey is a great tool for feedback from your client and is a vital resource for the inspector.  The survey consists of 14 questions ranging from "Was the inspector on time?" to "The inspector indicated the defects in a manner I could understand."

Imagine this in your file if a dispute arises. Simply pull the form from the past inspection and review with the client what they recorded and then assertively deal with the issue.  A very good tool for any inspector.
Some problems cannot be discovered during the few hours of a home inspection and will be revealed only by day to day living in the house.  For example, some shower stalls will begin to leak only if the showering time is lengthy, or when someone is standing in the shower, but will not leak when a small amount of water is run from the tap.  Some roofs and basements leak only when certain specific conditions exist, such as during an unusually strong storm, or consistent high wind and rain blowing from a particular direction.  Some flooring problems will be discovered only when all furniture, fixtures or finishes are removed, or when carpets have been completely rolled back.
The Home Guide Report System includes two pages of material that deal with the unpleasant situation when the client decides things didn't turn out the way they liked and the home inspector gets a call.  With the information presented in "Should Things Go Wrong", we attempt to head off any disputes and present a reasonable point of view in hopes that the client will consider sharing these views.

The Child Safety information is provided for the general education of parents and those who may occasionally have small children in their homes. This four-page section covers many different child safety issues that are often overlooked or neglected, such as: child safety in the garage, outside, family room, bathroom, bedrooms, stairways, bar, playroom and kitchen.  It also covers poisoning, fire and burns.

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