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Terms and Conditions of Enrollment

You (the "Applicant/Student") agree that you are applying for admission to the Inspection Depot Training Institute.  You agree to follow the training program.  Upon successful completion of the program of studies and full payment of all fees and tuition, you will be awarded a Certificate of Completion.

You agree to provide the Inspection Depot Training Institute with a copy of the highest degree you have earned, and certify that you have at least earned a high school diploma or equivalent (GED).

All course materials needed during the training program are included.  Course material will be shipped after payment is made in full.  All tools and equipment needed to satisfactorily complete the course are available in the labs during training.  In order to work as a building inspector, tools are required.  A list of suggested tools and costs may be requested by you.

Should an applicant/student cancel or be terminated for any reason, all refunds will be made according to the following policy and schedule.

  1. Cancellation Notice must be made in writing either in person or by certified mail.
  2. All tuition monies will be refunded if the school does not accept the Applicant or if the Student cancels within three (3) business days after submitting their application.
  3. Cancellation after the third (3rd) business day but before the first class will result in the refund of all tuition monies paid, with the exception of a $150 registration fee that is included in the tuition.
  4. Cancellation after attendance has begun will be at the discretion of Inspection Depot, Inc. and will depend upon the number of hours completed to the total program hours, course coverage, training materials & manuals given, etc.
  5. Cancellation after 50% of the program is complete will result in no refund.
  6. Termination Date: The termination date for refund computation purposes is the last day of actual attendance by the Student unless earlier written notice is received in accordance with Paragraph 1 above.
  7. Refunds will be made within 30 days of termination or receipt of Cancellation Notice.
  8. A Student can be dismissed at the discretion of the School Director, for insufficient progress, non-payment of fees, or failure to comply with rules.

By submitting your application on line, you agree that there exists a binding contract between you and the Inspection Depot Training Institute upon your acceptance by the school.  You also certify that you are 18 years of age or older.

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